Open Heart: Acquiring the complete ability to stop your own suffering.
Living In Agreement: Healing the Unconscious, finding balance.
Embrace What Is: It’s not about the ending, it’s about the work you do moving forward, there is no ending.
Building Foundations: It’s good to have your props pulled out from under you sometimes, it give you the sense of what is rock and what is sand.
Finding You (Sankalpa): No desire to justify myself to anyone while figuring out this human equation and master my best life.
Gravity: Reaching new heights in understanding the origins of fear and disassembling it.
Turn the Page: When the story is stuck in the battle scene or the gap between insight and hindsight, Turn the page , drop the story, feel the freedom.
Hidden Paths: There is more to your story than your conscious experience. Learn how to use the subconscious notes your brain takes to have effortless joy.
Open To Grace: There are tools we think we need to get through life. Some can help in many ways, but there is one tool that can work alone, without any other tool, is the art of being Open, especially to grace.
Detox 101: What is Detoxification, when should you detoxify your body and your mind and what knowledge should you have before trying any drastic changes in eating and exercise habits.
Physiology of Movement: How to be all twinkly and sparkly just by gaining knowledge of how the body moves.
WTF: What’s That Frequency Self/Community/World views and they correspond with our health and happiness. Finding balance.